Location shots

This is the graveyard location for one of my shots. I chose it as the sun shines on some parts, while others are hidden in shadow, and I think this looks very effective.

I chose to use several shots of this road as it seems to never end. I thought this would be a good image to use to fit with the lyrics as it is as if no one can ever help, and so the road is endless.

These are pictures from the church at Clop Hill. I decided to use this abandoned church as the location for some of my shots as you can once again relate it to the song. The church was once great and beautiful, but now it is run down and isolated. The same idea can be seen in the lyrics as friendship is a great and powerful thing, but once you need help, friendship is lost and ruined.

This is the location I chose for the background of my 'Silhouette' green screen effect. I also plan to use it in both my ancillary tasks. I feel it is perfect as it once again relates to the meaning behind the lyrics and it is a very picturesque area.

The other shots within my video will feature nature and scenery similar to that seen in these pictures. I will also involve images of a hand writing certain lyrics and coins being spun.


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