Problems producing the music video and how they were resolved

  • Problem: Weather caused filming to be delayed Solution: Arranged another day to film, waited until conditions had returned to normal etc.
  • Problem: Fitting editing etc. around other school work, revision, outside of school responsibilities Solution: Arranged specific times throughout the week that I would focus and work on the project
  • Problem: Some shots turned out to be wrong and not like how I had planned Solution: Re-film, or Re-edit these shots and try to make them as close to how I had planned as possible
  • Problem: When filming, I noticed some shots etc. were not going to work or suit the film Solution: Rethink the ideas and adjust the storyboard
  • Problem: Most of the clips were different colours etc. Solution: Adjust the contrast, brightness and colour balance on Adobe Premiere to match them as closely as possible
  • Problem: Some green screen videos did not have the correct lighting to use the chroma key tool correctly Solution: Re-film these clips using better lighting


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